The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
His Name:
Ahmad Bin Umar Bin
Saalim Bin Ahmad Bin Abood Aboo Umar Baazmool. He was born and raised in
Makkah, and he studied under the scholars of Makkah.
He studied under
Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee. He attended many of the
Shaikh’s lessons during his his explanation of Kitaab At-Tawheed of
Shaikhul Islaam Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhaab (rahimahullaah); the explanation of
Kitaab Ash-Sharee-ah of Imaam Al-Aajuree (rahimahullaah) and explanation
of Aqeedah Ashaabul hadeeth of Imaam Saaboonee (rahimahullaah). He also
read Saheeh Muslim to the shaikh and other books. Also amongst
his teachers is his blood brother Shaikh Muhammad Bin Umar Baazmool and he
studied a number of books with him, such as Kitaab At-Tawheed, Buloogh
Al-Maraam, Al-Waraqaat of Al-Juwaynee (rahimahullaah), and also Muqaddimah Fee
Usool At-Tafseer of Shaikhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah), etc
Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi
(rahimahullaah) referred to Shaikh Ahmad (may Allaah preserve him) as:
Al-Allaamah Ahmad Bin Umar Saalim Baazmool. He also referred to him as:
The virtuous Allaamah, The Salafi, Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool.
Shaikh Rabee said about him: The brother Ahmad Baazmool –I know him to be from
the best of the carriers of knowledge, the people of religion, manners and
(sound) methodology, and I believe that he is from those who are worthy
of teaching and dawah. Al-Allaamah Zaid Bin Haadee (may
Allaah preserve him) referred to Shaikh Ahmad as: The person of
virtue, Shaikh Ahmad Bin Umar Bin Saalim Baazmool.
His Qualifications:
in the year 1419 with excellence
Phd in the year 1427
with excellence
Some of
his works
ـ رسالة عمر بن الخطاب إلى أبي موسى الأشعري في القضاء
وآدابه رواية ودراية.
ـ المقترب في بيان المضطرب.
ـ المدارج في كشف شبهات الخوارج.
ـ السنة فيما يتعلق بولي الأمة.
ـ الدرر السنية في ثناء العلماء على
المملكة العربية السعودية.
دولة التوحيد والسنة.
ـ تحفة الألمعي بمعرفة حدود المسعى
وأحكام السعي
ـ حجية الأحاديث النبوية الواردة في
الطب والعلاج
ـ خطورة نقد الحديث.
ـ النجم البادي في ترجمة الشيخ العلامة
السلفي يحيى بن عثمان
عظيم آبادي.
ـ الانتقادات العلية لمنهج الخرجات
والطلعات والمكتبات والمراكز
الصيفية وهو كتاب ألفه مشاركة مع الشيخ
أحمد بن يحيى
ـ قواعد وضوابط في فقه الفرائض
Paraphrased and
In The Name of
Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
One of the students
of knowledge asked Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee about his view on Shaikh Ahmad
Baazmool’s refutations against Shaikh Ali Halabi, and about the affair of Jarh
Al-Mufassar which Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool pursued against Shaikh Ali Bin Hassan
Al-Halabi; so the Shaikh said: I have read it and it is a strong refutation-may
Allaah reward him—indeed he exposed affairs in which Shaikh Ali Bin Hassan is
mistaken and on the other hand affairs in which there was correctness.
Then the Shaikh’s permission was sought for this statement of his to be placed
on a salafi website; so he said: There is no harm in that; there is no
prohibition in that for this (i.e. what Shaikh Ahmad has written) is the
truth. This conversation with Shaikh Rabee took place on 1430/2/2
All praise is due to
Allaah [The Lord of Mankind, Jinn and all that exists]. Indeed the good and
happy end result is for those who fear their Lord. There is no deity worthy of
worship except Allaah and Muhammad is His slave and Messenger. And may the
Salaah and Salaam be upon him (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), his family, his
companions and those who follow their path till the establishment of the hour.
To proceed
Indeed, it has been
reported by Imaam Ahmad and Imaam Muslim (rahimahumallaah) on the authority of
Abdullaah Ibn Amr Ibn Aas (radiyallaahu-anhumaa) that the Messenger
(sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) said: ‘‘Indeed, there was not a Prophet
before me except that it was incumbent upon him to guide his Ummah to the good
of that which he knew there was (goodness) for them and to warn them against
what he knew there was evil for them.”
Al-Allaamah Ubaid Bin
Abdillaah Al-Jaabiree (may Allaah preserve him and prolong his life upon
goodness) stated that this above hadeeth and the hadeeth of Tameem Ad-Daari
about giving Naseehah to the Ummah are two clear texts showing the obligation
upon the scholars to give advice to the Ummah; and this is done in order to
protect the Sunnah and the sound creed from the false interpretations of the
ignorant ones, the distortions of those going beyond bounds, the false claims
of the liars and the dubious affairs of those misguided ones who confound truth
with falsehood. [paraphrased and abridged: for further details, see
malhoodhaat Wa Tanbeehaat of Shaikh Abdullaah Ibn Salfeeq Adh-Dhufayree:paage9]
Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin
Haadee Al-Madkhali (may Allaah preserve him and prolong his life upon
goodness) stated in his reply to Dr Ibraaheem Ruhayli (may Allaah rectify his
affair): ”unfortunately, there are people who conceal refutations against the
people of falsehood and error. They are enthusiastic in (giving) them
allegiance and defending them; and they (show) harshness and disapproval
towards those who refute falsehood and error. They betray them with a severe
betrayal and they make the people ardent that this (action) of theirs is
softness and wisdom, whilst it is from the severest types of calamity and
trials—the very affair that encourages the people of falsehood to persist upon
their falsehood and spread their trials and tribulations worldwide. If only
these type of people realised the dangerous end results of their stances.”
Shaikh Abdullaah
Al-Bukhaari (may
Allaah preserve him and prolong his life upon goodness) stated in his first
reply to Dr Ibraaheem Ruhayli: Indeed amongst the greatest fundamental
principles of Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaa-ah is the obligation of unity and
togetherness, and prohibition from splitting and differing; and this unity is
to be upon the truth, by way of the truth and for the sake of the truth.[Abridged]
Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (may Allaah preserve
him and prolong his life upon goodness) stated in his criticism against Shaikh Saalim
At-Taweel (may Allaah rectify his affair): Indeed, in this era in which the
people of innovation seek to make excuses for those people who speak ill of the
ahaadeeth of the Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam); however they do not
make excuses for the Salafis in their criticisms against Shaikh Saalim
At-Taweel despite the fact that there have occurred affairs in opposition to
the salafi Manhaj from him. Imaam Ibn Rajab spoke the truth
when he stated: It is obligatory upon everyone to whom the command of the
Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has been conveyed and he knows about
it, that he clarifies it to the Ummah and give them advice. He is to
command them to follow the command of the Prophet even if it opposes the
opinion of the great ones of this Ummah; for indeed the command of the
Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has more right to be extolled and
followed than the opinion of a great one whose command in some affairs is
wrong…. Indeed, the companions and the scholars after them refuted the views of
everyone that opposed the authentic Sunnah of the Messenger
(sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) because the Sunnah of the Messenger
(sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) is more beloved to them. His command is above
the command of every person; therefore if another command opposes the command
of the Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), then indeed the command of the
Messenger (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam) has more right to be given
precedence and followed. Paraphrased and
Some of the Clear
Errors of Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel (may Allaah rectify his affair)
Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool
(may Allaah preserve him) stated in the second part of his criticisms against
Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel: There are three affairs showing the confirmation of
the state of affairs of Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel: Firstly: These affairs are
based on Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel’s audible speech. Secondly: These affairs
are/were found in his website. Thirdly: Trustworthy and reliable narrators
testified to these affairs. [end of quote]
Shaikh Saalim
At-Taweel praises some of the affiliates of the deviant organization (Ihyaa
Turaath) and holds that the differing between Ihyaa Turaath and the Salafis is
not an affair of creed [Note: This Title is the compiler's]
Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool
Shaikh Saalim Taweel
is a man claiming to be Salafi and that he is from the Salafis; but there is to
be found in his Manhaj, in his speech and in his statements many things that
obligates warning against him, and he has been advised regarding that (i.e. his
errors). And from this is his praise for some of the men of Ihyaa Turaath found
in statement of his titled: Raddul Isaa-a Bil-Ihsaan Ta’qeeb Alaa Ad-Duktoor
Khaalid Sultaan), he said: I praise Allaah, I love my Muslim brotherswhether
they are from Jam-iyyah Ihyaa Turaath or outside of it, and I acknowledge for
them their rights and preserve their sanctity for them ….I hold that there are
from amongst those who ascribe themselves to Jamaa-atu At-turaath people of
virtue, knowledge and religion ……And amongst them are people of the Qur’aan,
such as the virtuous Shaikh Mohammed Hamoud Al Najdi, Sheikh Dawood As-oo-see,
Sheikh Ibraahim Al Ansari, Sheikh FaisalGhazzaar and other than them…..[end of
paraphrased quote]
Reader: This is a clear
praise Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel gave to some of those ascribing to the extremely
deviated organization Ihyaa Turaath, so even if Shaikh Saalim argues that he
has criticisms against Ihyaa Turaath, this is no more than the criticisms of
Ali Halabi (The innovator) against Ihyaa Turaath as stated by Shaikh Ahmad
Baazmool. Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool stated about Shaikh Saalim
At-Taweel’s criticisms against Ihyaa Turaath: ”Yes, this is similar to what Ali
Halabi refuted Ihyaa Turaath, whilst he is their companion, and eating and
drinking with them. Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic) mentioned from the
characteristics of the people of the book that: ”Those among the Children of
Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of Dawud (David) and ‘Iesa
(Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary). That was because they disobeyed (Allah and the
Messengers) and were ever transgressing beyond bounds. They used not to forbid
one another from the Munkar (wrong, evil-doing, sins,
polytheism, disbelief, etc.) which they committed. Vile indeed was what they
used to do…..’’
Therefore, Shaikh
Ahmad Baazmool pointed out that Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel’s criticisms against
the deviant organization Ihyaa Turaath is no more than that of Ali Halabi The
Innovator. The Shaikh also pointed out in his first criticism that Shaikh Saalim
does not hold that the differences between the Salafis and the deviants of
Ihyaa Turaath is a differing in the affair of creed. Reader: Indeed, this view
of Shaikh Saalim is false and in opposition to the reality of that which the
scholars have revealed concerning the extreme deviations of this organization.
Therefore, the reader must visit this link to
find out for himself, for indeed the scholars have clearly pointed out that the
differing between this deviant organization (Ihyaa Turaath) and the
Salafis is a differing in the affairs of creed.
And Allaah knows best
To be continued
Note: All the
material to be used in these clarifications will be extracted from Shaikh Ahmad
Baazmool’s criticisms against Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel, which can be found at with the
title: This is some of my clarifications on the Mukhaalafaat (i.e. affairs in
opposition to the sound Salafi Manhaj) of Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel, for the one
who extols the truth and not the creation.] Inshaa-Allaah, we will quote the
clarifications of the scholars on some of the issues in which Shaikh Saalim
At-Taweel erred. We will also provide other English websites in which are
found translated materials related to the topics.
In The Name of
Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy. All praise is due to
Allaah The Lord of mankind, Jinn and the entire existence. And may the
salaah and salaam be upon our noble Messenger Muhammad, his family and his companions.
To proceed:
Shaikh Ahmad
Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) stated:
Indeed, I was asked whether one can
benefit from Shaikh Saalim Taweel’s (knowledge, lectures etc.), so
I answered in the negative because he has a number of Mukhaalafaat Manhajiyyah
[i.e. a number of affairs in opposition to the salafi call- those affairs of
Methodology that draws a clear distinction between the Salafi methodology and
the falsehood of the groups, parties and sects.] And
indeed Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel has been advised concerning these affairs but he
has not recanted from them; rather he reviled and disparaged his Salafi
brothers. And in my answer to the one who asked me about
benefitting from Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel, I warned against six of his
Mukhaalafaat (i.e. affairs in opposition to the Salafi methodology); but I did not declare him an innovator. Therefore, how can I advise a
person to listen to Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel when it is the case that he
establishes false principles, announces such principles and call to them in his
lessons and speeches, and teaches them to his students?!
And after speech about his Mukhaalafaat
(i.e. affairs in opposition to the Salafi methodology) were made known on and other salafi websites, his students (may Allaah guide me and them
towards correctness) sent many communications in which they defended Shaikh
Saalim and blamed me for uttering those words against him. So
I replied to them saying that I did not declare Shaikh Saalim an innovator, but
I clarified his Mukhaalafaat (i.e. affairs in opposition to the salafi
methodology) for the seeker/s of the truth. They
told me that Shaikh Saalim refutes Ihyaa Turaath; so I clarified Shaikh
Saalim’s stance towards Ihyaa Turaath and that he has a mere criticism against
them in which is not found a declaration that they are innovators; rather
Shaikh Saalim intermingles with some of the men of Ihyaa Turaath and praises
them. So the students of Shaikh Saalim said that he is mistaken.
So I said to them: So you are in
agreement with me in this affair, but is this the only mistake of Shaikh Saalim
or does he have other mistakes that in contradiction to the methodology of the
Salafus Saalih (the pious predecessors); and is it permissible for a me as a
student of knowledge who knows the salafi methodology to advise people to
listen and benefit from the likes of this man (i.e. Shaikh Saalim)? So
the students began defending him again and that they study under him, and that
he is a salafi. So I said to them that this praise of
theirs for him is an approval of his dangerous mistakes about which he has
been given advice; and that this stance of theirs towards a
person who has opposed the Salafi methodology and has been advised but he
refuses to make a recantation–is this stance of theirs the Salafi
methodology they have adopted from Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel
and whether they exalt the creation and not the Sunnah and
the truth, and whether this is the end result of the foundations of Shaikh
Saalim’s lessons?!’’ [End of abridged paraphrase]
Ahmad Baazmool continued with a general address to everyone,
My brothers: Our major scholars, such as
the likes of Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi (rahimahullaah), Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee
Al-Madkhali, Shaikh Ubaid Bin Abdillaah Al-Jaabiriy and Shaikh Zaid Al-Madkhali
(may Allaah preserve them)—they always instruct us saying, ”Do not have a bigoted allegiance towards us”; and these scholars teach us that
returning to the truth is the good thing a person should do, rather than
persisting in falsehood. And the Imaams who came before these scholars
(i.e. Shaikh Rabee, Shaikh Ahmad An-Najmi, Shaikh Ubaid and others) did not use
to give precedence to anything over the truth, rather they used to say: ”If our speech opposes the hadeeth of the Messenger
of Allaah (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam), then fling our speech on the wall;”
and they have noble stances in speech and action with regards to this.
May Allaah reward them. [End of abridged paraphrase]
A Grave Mistake
of Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel [Note: This title is the compiler's]
Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (may Allaah
preserve him) stated that Shaikh Saalim likens the Salafis to the takfeeris,
and he said that just as the Takfeeris say, ‘’Jihaad, Jihaad, Jihaad! the
Salafis (also) say: Sunnah, Sunnah, Sunnah!! This similitude Shaikh Saalim made is
a betrayal of the Salafis and it is not a statement in aid of the truth; rather
is it permissible in the first place to liken the people of truth to the people
of falsehood, and are the Salafis to be blamed
for exalting the Sunnah?! [End of abridged paraphrase]
Shaikh Ahmad
Baazmool continued…..
Shaikh Saalim says that there is no
reward in repeating speech about Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq the innovator,
when it is the case that the Imaams of the Sunnah have plenty of statements
against the people of innovation and we find the Imaams of the Sunnah from
different places refuting one person. Therefore, what is the problem with
Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel that he objects to repeated speech against Abdur
Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq–an innovator and enemy of the Salafi Methodology!? And
even though Shaikh Saalim At-Taweel objects to speech being repeated against
the misguided innovator Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq and says that there is no
reward in doing so; however Shaikh Saalim speaks against Shaikh Muhammad
Al-Anjari who is well known to be from the Mashaayikh of Kuwait. Shaikh
Saalim said that Shaikh Muhammad Al-Anjari has not done anything and that
refutations do not increase Eemaan.
Therefore, Shaikh Saalim does not see a
benefit in repeating speech against the innovator Abdur Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq, but what about speaking against the well-known
Kuwaiti Salafi Shaikh Muhammad Al-Anjari? Indeed,
this behaviour of Shaikh Saalim cannot be considered a defence of the truth and
its people; rather he praises some of the men who affiliate themselves with the
deviant organisation Ihyaa Turaath and this itself is a betrayal of the truth
and its people. And look at the softness Shaikh Saalim employed when
speaking about those men of Ihyaa Turaath and how he spoke against Shaikh
Anjari who is a well-known salafi Shaikh in Kuwait?! This behaviour of
Shaikh Saalim is a watering down of the truth and a means leading the Salafi
Manhaj to be lost.
Shaikh Ahmad
Likewise, another mistake of Shaikh
Saalim At-Taweel is his view that a lot of refutations against the deviant
organization Ihyaa Turaath hardens the heart of a person. [End of abridged
paraphrase] Reader: visit this link and find out what Shaikh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan
has to say about refutations. []
Other beneficial
The Deviant Organisation Ihyaa Turaath
And Allaah knows best
Part 3 to follow Inshaa-Allaah
The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy
Paraphrased Quote
From Shaikh Ahmad Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him and prolong his life upon
”Also he (i.e. Shaikh
Saalim At-Taweel) has a statement in rejection of the speech of the scholars,
rather (in rejection) of the speech of the Salaf that a person who praises a
person of innovation is to be placed alongside that person of innovation.
He (i.e. Shaikh Saalim) rejects this affair, saying: ”this enforcement is
false.” [End
of Quote] [1]
statements of the Salaf concerning this affair
Imaam Barbahaaree
(rahimahullaah) stated:
‘If you see a man
speaking well of Ibn Abee Du’aad, Al-Mareesee, Thumaamah, Abul Hudhail
or Hishaam Al-Footee or any of their adherents, beware of him because
he is an innovator. These people were upon apostasy, so leave this man
who spoke well of them and whomever he mentioned of them.’[2]
‘If you see a man
speaking well of Ibn Abee Du’aad, Al-Mareesee, Thumaamah, Abul Hudhail or
Hishaam Al-Footee’
Sheikh Fawzaan (may
Allaah preserve him and prolong his life upon goodness) commented on the above
statement, saying:
”If you see a man
commending the people of evil and the scholars of misguidance, such as these
off shoots of the Jahmiyyah; then know that he is a sinful one, a corrupter and
a misguided one; because he does not praise them except that he loves them and
approves of their path. And if you see a man commending Ahlus Sunnah,
such as the likes of Imaam Ahmad and Ibnul Mubaarak, and likewise commending
the Scholars of the Taabi’een and those who came after them, then know that he
is a person of goodness; because he commends not Ahlus Sunnah except that he
loves the Sunnah and holds unto it. This teaches us a lesson–some
of the brothers or some of the students of knowledge commend some of the
innovators or the people of desires and deviated views, whilst not examining
their views and orientations. They attack and find fault with the
people of goodness; because they lend an ear to those who find fault with them
and believe them. This is a severe danger. If you find fault with
the people of goodness, the people of knowledge and Ahlus Sunnah, and commend the
people of deviated views and orientations, then this is a severe danger
even if you do not sit with them. So this is of that which we should
be mindful, of that which many people have fallen into at present. [3]
Imaam Fudayl
Ibn Iyaad (rahimahullaah)
‘And whoever debases
an innovator, Allah will raise him in Paradise by a hundred ranks.’[4]
Sheikh Saaleh
Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement, saying: ”It is obligatory that
the people of innovation are not shown hospitality either by way of a sitting,
praise or other than that of different types of hospitality. It is
obligatory to debase them because Allah has debased
them, and this is also from (having) love and hate for the sake of
Allah.” [5]
Imaam Fudayl Ibn
Iyaad said: ‘So for Allah, never shelter an innovator’ [6]
Sheikh Saaleh
Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement, saying: ”So upon you is
that you keep away from bidah and do not be lackadaisical in that ever, in
order that you may be protected upon your Religion and the Sunnah of your
Prophet (sallal-laahu-alayhi-wasallam). [7]
Imaam Fudayl Ibn
Iyaad (rahimahullaah) said:
”whoever honors an
innovator has assisted in the demolition of Islaam.’ [Translated by Aboo Talhah
Daawud Burbank (rahimahullaah)]
Sheikh Saaleh
Al-Fawzaan commented on the above statement, saying: ”Because innovation
is contrary to Islaam. If you give support to an innovator, then indeed you
have assisted in the demolition of Islaam, because Islaam is the Sunnah and the
Sunnah is Islaam. So it is obligatory upon the person that he does not honour
the people of innovation, and that he neither praises nor commends them; as we
hear at present the praises for the kuffaar, the yahood and the
Nasaaraa…. [8]
And Allaah knows best
For a further read
see links
Being translated into Albanian very soon Insha-Allah
Arbrit Kraja (Ebu jusuf)
Shkodër 16 Rabbi' 2 1434.
BaarakAllahu Feek