Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Shejkh Salih el-Feuzan porosit marokienët dhe të rinjtë selefij ...

Shejkh Salih el-Feuzan porosit marokienët dhe të rinjtë selefij që të përfitojnë prej Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadi el-Medkhalij dhe mos të merren me ata që nxisin fitne

Thotë robi nevojtar për faljen e Zotit të tij – el Husejn ibn Ahmed Mekkawij el-Magribij –Mejsur- Allahu i faltë atë, prindërit e tij dhe gjithë muslimanët:
Kam shkuar tek Shejkh el-’Al-lame Salih ibn Feuzan el-Feuzan në rezidencën e Kryesisë së Përgjithshme për Kërkime Akademike dhe Fetwa, pas namazit të drekës të kësaj dite: 18/05/1435 që korrespondon me 19/03/2014 dhe e pyeta duke i thënë:

Shejkhu jonë –Allahu ju ruajtë– unë jam nga Maroku dhe ka ardhur tek ne -në Marok- Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadij el-Medkhalij për të mbajtur një seminar akademik.

Shejkhu (el-Feuzan) duke më ndërprerë fjalën time tha:

Përfitoni prej tij (pra prej Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadij el-Medkhalij) sepse unë e njoh atë për dijetar (Shejkh) të nderuar.

Pastaj i thashë: O Shejkh! Por disa të rinj nxisin fitne kundër tij (Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadij) dhe kundër atyre që e organizojnë këtë seminar, me shkak se ata e kanë organizuar në një shoqatë.

Shejkh el-Fewzan – Allahu e ruajt- tha: Mos u merrni me ata (që nxisin fitne kundër Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadij el-Medkhalij dhe kundër atyre që e organizojnë këtë seminar), por përfitoni nga Shejkhu (Shejkh Muhammed ibn Hadi), mos i lini ata (që nxisin fitne) që t’jua humbasin rastin (shansin) e përfitimit prej tij (Shejkhut). Përfitoni prej tij e mos u merrni me ata (që nxisin fitne).

Sqarim: Kërkova nga Shejkhu në fillim të takimit që ta inçizoj dhe mu përgjigj: mos e inçizo.

I thashë: O Shejkhu jonë! Dua që t’ia dërgoj përgjigjen vëllezërve në Marok.
Atëherë Shejkhu –Allahu e ruajtë – tha: Mësoje (përgjigjen) përmendësh dhe dërgoje.

Përktheu: Astrit Hoxha, Shkodër, 19/03/2014 pas namazit të Iqindisë. (2)

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dhe Sister Covered in Hijaab

This is a poem by Shaykh Badr Bin Ali Utaybee hafidahullaah,
taken from 
“20 pieces of advice to my sister before her marriage”

Oh sister veiled in hijaab slacken your pace.

Walk upon the hearts of the jealous ones and cause them to tremble!

Move with nobility and pride whenever the eyes of the envious

are barred from glancing at your skin

You are beauty in its goodness and perfection

You are chastity in all its glory

Don’t be deceived! Indeed veiling your face is from the Sunnah

of that chosen Hashami Messenger 

Being veiled from sight is for you a sign of dignity;

be delighted and with it, spoil yourself

Your veil is a protective armor from every dreadful assailing wolf

This is our legislation, truly and justly

Just as it is our nature

It has been established in verses of the Quran and

authentic hadiths,related by trustworthy narrators

When you recite the book of your Lord then understand

that in (Surah) An-Noor are ayaat concerning Al-hijaab.

So ponder His order to throw the khimar, that covers your head,

over your face and to let it drape over your sides from and back

And understand the word (throw) to indicate the importance

of being keen to cover your face and body and this is clear truth

And you have been prohibited from throwing your legs about:

so let not the sounds of anklets entice the ears

And also in (Surah) al-Ahzaab are verses 53 and on

In them is my Lord’s command to veil

When they came asking the Prophet’s wives or if you, oh

sister, are asked

Because these verses even though they are for the Prophet's 

wives, they are to be applied generally

Due to what follows

Because veiling is for the purification of the hearts which
so quickly fades the eyes when lined with kuhl

And look to the conclusion of Al-Ameen and his understanding

of the verse in Adwaa’ul bayaan (176) and it is replete with 

benefits and also in this verse is an order for you to bring your 

garment over you fully as to hide yourself and make yourself 


This book of Allah Affirming that unveiling is a foundation of 

evil that brings (men) to trail

And the best of creation says about you “she is auwra”(177)
referring to women so think!

And on the authority of ibn Mas’ood as related by at-Tirmidhee

and declared hasan saheeh with each narrator just and precise

from first to last

And likewise al Bazzaar and ibn Khuzaymah and ibn al Adiyy

and Ali ad-Daraqutni (178)

Oh sister do not throw off the veil

It is nobility for you and increase you in splendor

As for those who encourage unveiling, they only intend for you 

shame and belittlement

And that you become like a mannequin in the hands,

a plaything, sold off for a petty price

They seek that your picture is displayed in magazines

after you were once like a jewel, protected and safe guarded

They want you to dance to music with them, abandon your 

religion, and act like someone else.

And that the scum of mankind exchange, between them and 

themselves, authority over you.

And use not acting as an excuse

Barking jackals, howling wolves, there is no trust to be had in 


Be warned from becoming the hunted, stalked down and eaten

The “muck” of the art is belittling and embarrassing be warned 

of falling, oh sister, into the mud

Don’t be amazed by the laughing of the mistresses of singing

and don’t be bedazzled by the sinful stars of cinema

This cannot deceive your type!

By Allah, their chests constrict due to their sins, filled with 

anguish and regret.

They, with their worries and woes, live their lives in a sick state,

only Allah’s religion holds the cure

Their chests are burnt by an open flame that has set a blaze in 

its hollow

With every day it burns stronger, more hot.

This is their intent; it deceives us not.

So do you, Oh sister, see as we see?

Do you understand whats being presented to thee?

Is dignity, that the Muslim woman relinquishes her hijaab?

Or that she fills with shame and disgrace?

Or is it decency if she is naked, uncovering her face

Wearing tight clothes and pants instead a modest over garment?

Is chastity to sing the song of adulterers and fornicators, when 

overtaken by passion la la lee?

Is fortitude to agree to burn along with those that will roast in 


Or is it sound politics to appoint to office over the masses one 

pampered raised in petty amusement (179)

Those who make one from your gender in charge over their 

 affairs will never attain success

As authentically reported in the prophetic narration (180)

And it is just that she is given exactly as her husband in 

inheritance and in rights of marriage and divorce ? (181)

Naturally she is not the same as a man

And in Islamic legislation she is below him and is rightfully 

under his guardianship

Oh our sisters, By Allah this is her condition, if you asked 

them: a modern woman

So do yourself well and stick to the shari’ah,which if you hold 

firm to it,you will not be misguided and will not go astray

It is your Fortress, your Honor.

It is your covering,your light in the darkest of nights

Your are exalted in sticking to the injunctions of your faith

like a star by which the sky is full of beauty

May Allah protect you and All who say

“Be rewarded with good Oh Badr bin Al-Ali”


176) I intend here the shaikh of our scholars, Al- Allaamah Muhammad Al Ameen ash-Shanqetee, in his book Adwaa Al-bayaan (6/548). He mentioned that the strongest opinion is that this verse is general to all women.

177) Translator note: The auwra (private part) for the woman varies depending on who she is in front of. However, while in front of foreign men, who are not her husband, father ,grandfather, brother, son , uncle or nephew, she has to cover every part of her body according to the opinion of many of the people knowledge.

178) Narrated by at-Tirmidhee (4/337), Ibn khuzaymah in his saheeh (3/93-94), Al Bazzaar in his Musnad (5/427), ibn Adiyy in al Kaamil (3/424),ad- Daraqutni in al-I’lal (5/314), At-Tirmidhee declared it to be hasan saheed Gareeb and al Hafidh A’li bin Umar ad-Daraqutni graded it to be authentic.

179) Allaah, th Most High said about the female gender “(Like they then for Allaah) a creature who is brough up in adornments (wearing silk and gold ornaments, i.e. women), and who in dispute cannot make herself clear?”(surah az-Zukhruf:18) According to the scholars of tafsir, this verse refers to the weakness of the woman and her deficiency in expressing herself.

180) Collected by Al-Bukhari , based on this how can woman be given positions of great importance in a nation, such as the ruler of the country or military general?

181) A woman is not equal to man in inheritance or when dealing with marriage and divorce. All of this is not because of the deficiency in her, but it is from the completeness of a man’s authority and guardianship over her; he is her wali and he is responsible for her affairs. That is because in the Islamic legislation, females are not equal to males.

Abu Yusuf al-Albani A'Shkodera Albania. Tusday, the 5th of Jumaada al-Awal, 1435 A.H.